Sentence example with the word 'indefiniteness'


Definition n. the quality of being vague and poorly defined

Last update: June 24, 2015


There is no doubt that considerable indefiniteness in regard to the precise status and rank of the ruling elder is cornmonly prevalent.   [Please select]


"You will excuse my preference for a certain indefiniteness," said Nicolovius, with great sweetness.   [Please select]


_ in which there is some indefiniteness; and for great matters we associate coadjutors in counsel, distrusting our ability to settle them alone.   [Please select]


In the view as found in Short there is none of this irregularity and indefiniteness of outline, the figure being perfect and standing out clearly as though just from the sculptor's hand.   [Please select]


"I didn't find him a bit so," the girl said to Miss Pierce, later in the evening, with an indefiniteness which, if not merely feminine, must presuppose a previous conversation.   [Please select]

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indefinitely - indefiniteness - indelible