Definitionn. the ossicle between the malleus and the stapes
Last update: August 28, 2015
Parker.) extracolumellar mass, that between stapes and drum, is equivalent to incus and malleus of the mammalia. [Please select]
_--Examination of a number of auditory ossicles of _Baiomys_ reveals constant interspecific differences in the malleus and incus. [Please select]
The body of the incus is round and the short process is elongate. [Please select]
The sides of the long limb of the incus are nearly parallel. [Please select]
The body of the incus, though tending to be round, is more flattened, and the short process is knob-shaped, not elongated. [Please select]
The sides of the long limb of the incus are not parallel. [Please select]
The lenticular process is, relative to the size of the incus, small. [Please select]
In general conformation of the malleus, incus, and stapes, _Ochrotomys_ shows closer resemblance to _B. [Please select]
The short process of the incus is knoblike in _Calomys_ and _Thaptomys_, and the general conformation of malleus and stapes in those two genera is nearly identical to that in _B. [Please select]
In the genus _Peromyscus_, only _Peromyscus floridanus_ (subgenus _Podomys_) possesses a knoblike short process on the incus similar to that in _B. [Please select]
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