Sentence example with the word 'incoherence'


Definition n. lack of cohesion or clarity or organization

Last update: June 24, 2015


I found a slight incoherence while talking to him.   [Please select]


The incoherence of the dream seems to me easy enough to explain.   [Please select]


As I have just said, the mind, confronted by these absurd visions, seeks an explanation and often thereby aggravates the incoherence.   [Please select]


Under her visitor's incoherence she lost her diffidence, however, and, when Helen had finished, remarked, with decision: "Don't go with him."   [Please select]


But if the coronation presents disagreeable incoherence in her dreams, then she may expect unsatisfactory states growing out of anticipated pleasure.   [Please select]


He had simply babbled on uttering empty phrases, letting slip a few enigmatic words and again reverting to incoherence.   [Please select]


Many began to pray in frantic incoherence, and several gave vent to their feelings in curses.   [Please select]


He also, in bass incoherence, formulated the opinion that in such a nest might he found true happiness.   [Please select]


Relations of comparison, of classification, serial order, value, also are stubborn, assign a definite place to the room, unlike the incoherence of its places in the mere rhapsody of our successive thoughts.   [Please select]


As they refused to return him his dossier, he occupied himself in reconstructing it, and wrote pages and pages of incoherence to prove the guilt of Captain Vauvenarde.   [Please select]

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incognitos - incoherence - incoherences