Sentence example with the word 'inclemency'


absolute zero, bitterness, coldness, decrease in temperature, freshness, heartlessness, low temperature, rawness, sharp air, unfeelingness, vehemence

Definition n. weather unsuitable for outdoor activities

Last update: August 22, 2015


The long hair is gradually cast in the summer, to be again renewed as the inclemency of winter comes on.   [Please select]


At nightfall, they ran across groups of infantry, soldiers with long beards and blue uniforms discolored by the inclemency of the weather.   [Please select]


Oldbuck," he said; "I trust you have come better off than I have done from the inclemency of yesterday evening.   [Please select]


The unhappy settlers were thus left without food in that dreary region, to endure the inclemency of the winter.   [Please select]


What were rain and cold, the inclemency of the elements to them.   [Please select]


She had come abroad with the Welly Brys at the moment when fashion flees the inclemency of the New York spring.   [Please select]

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inclemencies - inclemency - inclement