Sentence example with the word 'inclemencies'


Last update: August 11, 2015


This principle is in constant action; it regulates the colour, the figure, the capacities and instincts; those individuals in each species whose colour and covering are best suited to concealment or protection from enemies, or defence from inclemencies or vicissitudes of climate, whose figure is best accommodated to health, strength, defence and support; whose capacities and instincts can best regulate the physical energies to self-advantage according to circumstances - in such immense waste of primary and youthful life those only come to maturity from the strict ordeal by which nature tests their adaptation to her standard of perfection and fitness to continue their kind by reproduction."   [Please select]


The thick material of the wallets is enough to protect the eggs from the inclemencies of the winter, especially from damp.   [Please select]


They display no ingenuity with the object of securing protection from the inclemencies of the atmosphere.   [Please select]


Once removed from the soil and exposed to the inclemencies of the weather, the pupa would inevitably perish.   [Please select]


It is, however, at best a very imperfect shelter against the inclemencies of the seasons.   [Please select]


They continued for several days longer buffeting with the stream, and exposed to all the inclemencies of the weather.   [Please select]


Exposed to all the inclemencies of the weather, among the dead grasses, close to the ground, the Epeira's nest has also to protect its contents from the winter cold.   [Please select]

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incivility - inclemencies - inclemency