Sentence example with the word 'inapposite'


adrift, foreign, ill-sorted, inadmissible, inept, malapropos, nonessential, out of line, out-of-the-way, unessential, unseemly

Definition adj. of an inappropriate or misapplied nature

Last update: October 23, 2015


In certain moods the mind is disposed to mock itself with inapposite fancies.   [Please select]


Jessop and Silly Billy--the idiot already referred to--and the apposite Latin quotations of the head-master and his pompous English, with the inapposite replies of the organ-blower, given in the local dialect and Billy's own peculiar jabber, were supposed to form a masterpiece of mimicry.   [Please select]

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inapplicable - inapposite - inappreciable