adrift, ill-adapted, immaterial, incidental, mal a propos, nonessential, out of joint, out of tune, unconducive, unqualified, unworkable
Definitionadj. not capable of being applied
Last update: October 31, 2015
These rules seem to be inapplicable to this situation. [Please select]
But unfortunately the traditions they have transmitted to us are often various and conflicting, while the only safe test of the affinities of nations, derived from the comparison of their languages, is to a great extent inapplicable, from the fact that the idioms that prevailed in Italy in and before the 5th century B.C. are preserved, if at all, only in a few scanty and fragmentary inscriptions, though from that date onwards we have now a very fair record of many of them (see, e.g. [Please select]
The wages of any other labour are here an inapplicable criterion. [Please select]
Such a mode of thought is wholly inapplicable to minds which are not in space at all. [Please select]
Consequently, the name of _typhus fever_ given by some veterinary surgeons, is not altogether inapplicable to it. [Please select]
Having selected two, he computed them accurately but found them inapplicable. [Please select]
Rodin has definitively triumphed--to the unwise attempt to define him in terms heretofore applicable enough to sculptors, but wholly inapplicable to him. [Please select]
The common-law rule, without regard to its basis, was for a time inapplicable to local conditions. [Please select]
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