Sentence example with the word 'impugned'


accused, charged, deflated, discredited, exploded, in complicity, invalidated, overthrown, rejected, taxed

Last update: August 27, 2015


In this discourse "he impugned the idea of the existence of any visible church at all, ridiculed the value of any tests of orthodoxy, and poured contempt upon the claims of the church to govern itself by means of the state."   [Please select]


Frontiersmen are quick to resent an affront, and when their veracity is impugned they fight.   [Please select]


The quickest way to the front, where alone he could re-establish his impugned honour was by enlistment in the regular army.   [Please select]


He goes eavesdropping among the peasantry, and has to sit silent while his wife's honour is coarsely impugned.   [Please select]


Hume never denied the existence of God, never directly impugned revelation.   [Please select]


The fidelity to nature of the imagery of these poems has been impugned by the critics.   [Please select]


His character was above reproach; no one ever impugned his honesty or his sincere devotion to the best interests of his superiors.   [Please select]

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