In Wright's translation of 1616 Napier has added the sentence - " But because the addition and subtraction of these former numbers may seeme somewhat painfull, I intend (if it shall please God) in a second Edition, to set out such Logarithmes as shall make those numbers above written to fall upon decimal numbers, such as Ioo,000,000, 200,000,000, 300,000,000, &c., which are easie to be added or abated to or from any other number " (p. 19); and in the dedication of the Rabdologia (1617) he wrote " Quorum quidem Logarithmorum speciem aliam multo praestantiorem nunc etiam invenimus, & creandi methodum, una cum eorum usu (si Deus longiorem vitae & valetudinis usuram concesserit) evulgare statuimus; ipsam autem novi canonis supputationem, ob infirmam corporis nostri valetudinem, viris in hoc studii genere versatis relinquimus: imprimis vero doctissimo viro D. [Please select]
Imprimis, the parke of Thomas Baynham, Esqr, called Noxon, is parcell therof, except from the gutter to the pale towards his house, holden by the tenure aforesaid, 50li per ann. [Please select]
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