Sentence example with the word 'impressiveness'


Definition n. splendid or imposing in size or appearance

Last update: October 19, 2015


But Reid lacked the art to give due impressiveness to the important advance which his positions really contain.   [Please select]


Mark's of Venice, or useless height admitted in order to increase the impressiveness, as in nearly every noble building in the world.   [Please select]


There was a wait of some seconds while his listener digested the information; then she nodded her head with slow impressiveness.   [Please select]


He bowed now to Clodagh with the extreme impressiveness that men of his type bestow upon a new and promising introduction.   [Please select]


He shook hands with both; then he turned to Clodagh with rather more impressiveness.   [Please select]


It was Bernhard Gillam, who, working in the new Keppler style, produced a series of cartoons whose tremendous impressiveness was universally recognized.   [Please select]


They are big, powerful, "necessitous," and have therefore an impressiveness, even an æsthetic appeal, not to be denied.   [Please select]

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impressively - impressiveness - impressment