Sentence example with the word 'impressible'


Definition adj. easily impressed or influenced

Last update: September 16, 2015


Empreindre), the art or practice of transferring by pressure, letters, characters or designs upon paper or other impressible surfaces, usually by means of ink or oily pigment.   [Please select]


She was one of those strong-minded women who are impressible by grand sentiments.   [Please select]


Both were beautiful, bright, witty, and intellectual; but the Frenchwoman was immeasurably more cultivated, and was impressible by grand sentiments.   [Please select]


His heart was a union of highly inflammable oil and deeply impressible butter, with something remarkably tough in the centre of it.   [Please select]


The power of a simple and characteristic melody on the impressible mind of the Greek is more than we can easily appreciate.   [Please select]


I supposed there was some impressible spot in his heart which might have been reached through the act we had just done.   [Please select]


His heart was not very impressible, and he cared for no one except himself.   [Please select]


Yet he whom it describes scarcely impressed one with the idea of a gentle, a yielding, an impressible, or even of a placid nature.   [Please select]


It was different with the sister Nellie; her nature was more impressible, and it was only by a strong effort that she kept her self-control so long.   [Please select]

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impressibility - impressible - impressing