Sentence example with the word 'impregnation'


absorption and regurgitation, conjugation, drenching, getting with child, inculcation, injection, isogamy, penetration, pulping, soaking, zygosis

Definition n. material with which something is impregnated

Last update: August 11, 2015


Fragments of wood not infrequently occur, with the tissues well-preserved by impregnation with the resin; while leaves, flowers and fruits are occasionally found in marvellous perfection.   [Please select]


Slight variations may occur due to impregnation with sugar and starch in the winter and its dissolution in the growing season.   [Please select]


The impregnation of the pyroxyline with the camphor is effected in a variety of ways.   [Please select]


The influence of a first impregnation upon subsequent progeny by other males is at times curiously illustrated.   [Please select]


Any animal or vegetable egg that had not received the life-giving impregnation would perish in the same way.   [Please select]


--Sequel of observations on the impregnation of the queen bee 41 LETTER 3.   [Please select]

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