If your bones belong to someone who impregnated a young girl years ago, why do you care now? [Please select]
Add the typhus, with which the workmen become slowly impregnated. [Please select]
I am rather inclined to believe that soil which is impregnated with alkaline matter will favor the production of the saccharine principle. [Please select]
That frictions, with the hands impregnated with virus, having been made over the skin, did not produce any ill effects. [Please select]
, then enter the goods, and turn over two or three times to ensure that they are thoroughly impregnated with dye-liquor. [Please select]
26,396, 1896) has been granted for the use of these substances together with wood-fibre impregnated with boric acid. [Please select]
The queen at their head, the representative of the future, has not yet been impregnated. [Please select]
This color is due to the asphaltum with which the cloths wrapped around the mummies was impregnated. [Please select]
Whatever she touched--above all, apparently, with her distended abdomen--was impregnated, as a result of long contact, with a certain emanation. [Please select]
"Many of the streams," the journal adds, "are so strongly impregnated with this substance that the water has an unpleasant taste and a purgative effect." [Please select]
The water is extremely pure, cold, and pleasant to the taste, not being impregnated with lime or any foreign substance. [Please select]
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