Sentence example with the word 'impregnability'


Definition n. having the strength to withstand attack

Last update: November 2, 2015


That she retained her independence so long was due to a double accident: the impregnability of the lagoons and the jealousies of the great powers.   [Please select]


I have more than once been astonished at the real impregnability of the retreats selected by wounded bison.   [Please select]


Stefansson says that the impregnability of the musk-ox defense is so well recognized by the wolves of the North that often a pack will march past a herd in close proximity without offering to attack it, and without even troubling the herd to form the hollow circle.   [Please select]


She felt now a certain sense of security imparted doubtless by the impregnability of her high-flung sanctuary that she knew to be safe from all the more dangerous beasts, and this one from men, too, since it lay in the abjured Kor-ul-GRYF.   [Please select]

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impregn - impregnability - impregnable