Sentence example with the word 'implement'


abide by, bring off, come through with, effect, get through, intermediary, mechanical device, perform, put into effect, station agent, work out

Definition n. instrumentation

Last update: July 22, 2015


Unfortunately, this plan is harder to implement than we thought it would be.   [verb]


Leo Strauss taught neocons that it was their duty to deceive the clueless American people in order to implement their agenda of global domination.   [verb]


Man's earliest implements were carved from stones and bones.   [Please select]


My mercer had his spontoon in his hand, as if he measured his cloth by that implement, instead of a legitimate yard.   [Please select]


The proprietor, on the contrary, does not yield his implement; eternally he is paid for it, eternally he keeps it.   [Please select]


The proprietor, producing neither by his own labor nor by his implement, and receiving products in exchange for nothing, is either a parasite or a thief.   [Please select]


Peter, wearing a new shirt, sang beautiful hymns as he ploughed, and no matter how he handled the implement the candle continued to burn.   [Please select]


I admit that the land is an implement; but who made it.   [Please select]


Exactly there lies the monopoly of the proprietor; in the fact that, though he did not make the implement, he asks pay for its use.   [Please select]


This implement receives in one state, and returns in another the materials of which wheat is composed.   [Please select]


"Undoubtedly," says Say; "but the land also is an implement whose service must be paid for, then."   [Please select]

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impleaded - implement - implementation