Sentence example with the word 'impenetrably'


Last update: October 31, 2015


There are in reality two species of substances, or entirely distinct things, those which are impenetrably resisting, and those which are conscious substances; and it is impossible to reduce bodies and souls to one another, because resistance is incompatible with the attributes of spirit, and consciousness inexplicable by the attributes of body.   [Please select]


The cell was thus rendered, if possible, more impenetrably dark than before.   [Please select]


There was nothing tenuous, elusively subtle, or impenetrably mysterious any longer about the ghostly apparition.   [Please select]


” “Yes,” I said impenetrably, “he is not easy to understand.   [Please select]


They supposed that there was, in the centre of the earth, a vast, gloomy, and impenetrably dark cavity called Orcus, which formed a place of eternal rest for the dead.   [Please select]


Perhaps he was already in love, and was releasing those helpless little signs which a woman understands, and which a man thinks he conceals impenetrably.   [Please select]

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impenetrable - impenetrably - impenitence