Sentence example with the word 'impassivity'


Definition n. apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions

Last update: July 7, 2015


The "EKOeves ir(o-r w (Expositio fidei), a short creed usually attributed to Gregory, and traditionally alleged to have been received by him immediately in vision from the apostle John himself, is probably authentic. A sort of Platonic dialogue of doubtful authenticity " on the impassivity and the passivity of God " in Syriac is in the British Museum.   [Please select]


But again, as on the night she came, he found himself helpless against Elinor's quiet impassivity.   [Please select]


She spoke with a sovereign impassivity, no trace of feeling in her tone.   [Please select]


If 'Gene heard, he did not show it, the granite impassivity of his harsh face unmoved.'   [Please select]


Heaviness, blackness and impassivity,--these were the impressions of Mr.   [Please select]


At this exposure of his plot to escape, Paul was startled out of impassivity.   [Please select]


’ But when the still figure on the roof saw me, the impassivity of it vanished.   [Please select]


A flash of malevolent fury broke Ah Sing's mask of impassivity.   [Please select]


To one whose innate instinct was a yielding to impulse, his absolute impassivity in face of disconcerting situations was something incomprehensible.   [Please select]

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impassiveness - impassivity - impatience