Sentence example with the word 'impairs'


Last update: October 13, 2015


By a true confession of faith, by every good deed, word and thought, by continually keeping pure his body and his soul, he impairs the power of Satan and strengthens the might of goodness, and establishes a claim for reward upon Ormazd; by a false confession, by every evil deed, word and thought and defilement, he increases the evil and renders service to Satan.   [Please select]


Much reading impairs the power to think originally and consecutively.   [Please select]


And this quality in language impairs the force of an argument which has many steps.   [Please select]


For nature supplies their every want nor aught impairs their peace of soul.   [Please select]


Bad management impairs the pliability of the wool, by arresting the secretion of the yolk.   [Please select]


Nature too supplies all their wants and nothing ever impairs their peace of mind.   [Please select]


Anything that impairs the vigor and vitality of children strikes at the basis of national welfare.   [Please select]


Everything, in contemplation, that is personal or private, everything that depends upon habit, self-interest, or desire, distorts the object, and hence impairs the union which the intellect seeks.   [Please select]


In this lecture on George Eliot I gladly would have omitted all allusion to a mistake which impairs our respect for this great woman.   [Please select]

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impairment - impairs - impala