Sentence example with the word 'immunization'


acquired immunity, antigen, familial immunity, immunization therapy, immunotherapy, natural immunity, opsonic immunity, phagocytic immunity, scratch test, serum therapy, toxin-antitoxin immunity, vaccine therapy

Definition n. the act of making immune

Last update: June 12, 2015


All India immunization program is going against polio.   [Please select]


It is to be noted that in the process of immunization complement does not increase in amount; accordingly the immune serum comes to contain immune body much in excess of the amount of complement necessary to complete its action.   [Please select]


Where the disease is general, successful efforts adopted for its control have followed the immunization by inoculation of the exposed animals and a strict application of appropriate sanitary measures.   [Please select]


For immunization purposes it is advisable to use the simultaneous method; that is, both the spore vaccine and the anthrax serum should be injected.   [Please select]


Immunization against blackleg is now frequently accomplished by the use of the so-called blackleg aggressin and blackleg filtrates.   [Please select]


Mohler, 358-501 infestation with tapeworm, 523 injury by use of petroleum against ticks, 494 loss of blood by inoculations, limits of safety, 500 northern, immunization against Texas fever, manner, 498 parasitic diseases, prevention, 510 plague.   [Please select]

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immunity - immunization - immunize