Sentence example with the word 'husbandly'


adoring, carefully, demonstrative, faithful, hymeneal, lovesome, maternal, parental, romantic, spousal, wedded

Definition adj. befitting or characteristic of a husband

Last update: August 26, 2015


In fact, he no longer made any husbandly demands on her.   [Please select]


So, as the husbandly dignity descended upon him, she found herself possessed by something of the wifely duty.   [Please select]


” “I’d back ’ee allus to do the silliest thing as could be done, missus,” said the miller, who had a pleasant husbandly way of commenting upon his wife’s conversation to her disparagement, when she talked before him.   [Please select]


All day long after their departure he thought of the emancipated house in which he could, if he desired, go mad and curse the gods without having to keep up a husbandly front.   [Please select]

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husbanding - husbandly - husbandman