Sentence example with the word 'husbanded'


Last update: July 30, 2015


In view of the anticipated arrival of substantial reinforcements from England there was no great temptation to embark on offensives; and owing to the shortage of artillery ammunition, what there was of it had to be jealously husbanded, although the French divisions were not suffering from this disability so much as the British.   [Please select]


Philpot," Wilkinson said when they went on deck, "you have husbanded the captain's stores most carefully.   [Please select]


As a matter of fact, migrating birds seldom sing a great deal in their winter homes, their best lyrical efforts being husbanded for their breeding haunts.   [Please select]


But there was still some life left in the captain, which, under the care of the surgeon of the ship, was carefully husbanded until he was out of immediate danger.   [Please select]

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husband - husbanded - husbanding