Sentence example with the word 'hurter'


Last update: August 18, 2015


Between the perhaps excessive admiration of Innocent's biographer, Friedrich von Hurter, and the cooler estimate of a later historian, Felix Rocquain, who, after taking into consideration Innocent's political mistakes, lack of foresight and numerous disappointments and failures, concludes that his reputation has been much exaggerated, it is possible to steer a middle course and form a judgment that is at once impartial and conformable to the historical facts.   [Please select]


Hurter (1897) reported having seen cottonmouths in Illinois, opposite St.   [Please select]


National Museum numbers 4263 and 32753 respectively; 1897--Hurter (1897); and 1895--Stejneger (1895:408).   [Please select]

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hurst - hurter - hurtful