Sentence example with the word 'hurley'


Last update: September 17, 2015


Hurley, Commentary on the Present Index Legislation (Dublin, 1908).   [Please select]


HURLEY-HOUSE, a brokendown manor house.   [Please select]


HURLEY-HOUSE, a large house fallen into disrepair.   [Please select]


"So the Johnnies are west of us, your friend Hurley said."   [Please select]


Yet I now wish, since this Malcolm turns out such a parricide, for I can call him no better, as to think of alienating the family inheritance--I now wish (his eyes fixed on a part of the roof which was visible above the trees) that I could have left Rose the auld hurley-house and the riggs belanging to it.   [Please select]


So off they started about Irish sports and shoneen games the like of lawn tennis and about hurley and putting the stone and racy of the soil and building up a nation once again and all to that.   [Please select]

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hurler - hurley - hurling