Sentence example with the word 'humanized'


Last update: June 12, 2015


23), that is, they are humanized, and the Elohim beings (including the Satan) in the prologue belong to a popular story, the figure of Satan being used by the author to account for Job's, calamities; in Tobit the "affable" Raphael is a clever man of the world.   [Please select]


They could not have done so at their ease had the river not been humanized.   [Please select]


Something is wanting to science, until it has been humanized.   [Please select]


I do not want the animals humanized in any other sense.   [Please select]


The individuality of each domestic race has been developed; the difference of temperament and character of each individual becomes more marked, and more or less humanized, according to the influences by which it is surrounded.   [Please select]


I conceive that while the primitive and massive emotions found satisfying utterance in the long-drawn notes, the more divided state of mind of the humanized successor has led to a change in its utterances.   [Please select]

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humanize - humanized - humanizes