Sentence example with the word 'hucksters'


Last update: July 8, 2015


2 No wonder that a stream of emigration set towards the East, such as would in modern times flow towards a newly discovered gold-field - a stream carrying in its turbid waters much refuse, tramps and bankrupts, camp-followers and hucksters, fugitive monks and escaped villeins, and marked by the same motley grouping, the same fever of life, the same alternations of affluence and beggary, which mark the rush for a gold-field to-day.   [Please select]


But the passages are blocked with the stalls of hucksters who sell stationery, books, and knicknacks.   [Please select]


He had come from country scenes, and in Paris had lived among workmen and bird-fanciers, flower sellers, hucksters and the like.   [Please select]


No organ grinders ever call, No hucksters mar our peace; For traffic shuns our neighborhood And leaves us to our ease.   [Please select]

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huckster - hucksters - huddle