Sentence example with the word 'horsehair'


bristle, catgut, cilium, fiddlestring, fur, mane, pelt, pubescence, setula, steel string, wool

Definition n. hair taken from the mane or tail of a horse

Last update: August 16, 2015


According to Sharp, all Dermestid larvae probably feed on dried animal matters; he mentions one species that can find sufficient food in the horsehair of furniture, and another that eats the dried insect-skins hanging in old cobwebs.   [Please select]


Snip off with horsehair under the denned neck.   [Please select]


He reeled against the horsehair easy-chair and slipped on to the floor.   [Please select]


Some of the Greasers are pretty slick with the horsehair.   [Please select]


_Nigger wigs are made of curly black horsehair fastened on to a black skull-cap.   [Please select]


We brought this home and weighed it; it weighed six ounces, and horsehair is very light.   [Please select]


Very frequently horsehair is likewise used for lining the interior of the cavity.   [Please select]


One nest was lined with horsehair and fine grasses.   [Please select]


They do it up on the head in a high knot, [426] under a very close-fitting hood or coif of horsehair, which reaches to the middle of the forehead.   [Please select]


They wear above all a high round cap made of the same horsehair, in different fashions, by which their different occupations, and each man's rank, are distinguished.   [Please select]

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horsefly - horsehair - horsehairs