Sentence example with the word 'honing'


Last update: September 11, 2015


Add "honing detecting skills" to the to-do job list for sheriff.   [Please select]


I imagine Colin MacBride is honing up his _sgian-dhu_ for me because I got that big Whitneyville Walker Colt, but what the hell; he got the cased pair of Paterson.   [Please select]


Them and I had a run-in, once; and I been honing for a chance to square things, ever since.   [Please select]


They vary in thickness, straightness, concave, bevel, flatness, temper, and quality of steel; and also in the character of their sharpening and honing, which varies with the fineness or coarseness of the grinding wheel and stone.   [Please select]


Excellent results in honing are obtained from No.   [Please select]


The reason the above method gives almost a perfectly smooth cut is because a thorough honing removes most of the marks.   [Please select]

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honied - honing - honked