Sentence example with the word 'honed'


Last update: September 7, 2015


It was amazing how children honed in on parents emotions and sympathized.   [Please select]


He balanced it and tested the feel of its handle against his palm, then tried the edge of it with his thumb-nail, and found it honed like a razor.   [Please select]


See if it has been honed properly.   [Please select]


_Honing Paper-Cutter Knives_ Every knife, when coming direct from the grinding machine, has a wire edge which should be honed off before the knife is adjusted to the knife-bar.   [Please select]


Den Brer Buzzud hop up en tuck out n'er chunk, en den hop back en lissen, en all dis time Brer Fox mouf 'uz waterin' w'iles he lay back in dar en des nat'ally honed atter Brer Buzzud.'   [Please select]


You desecrate the hour of meditation with rhapsodies on nature when your aesthetics ain't honed up to the beauties of good tobacco.   [Please select]

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honda - honed - honer