acknowledged, antediluvian, dateless, frost-rent, grizzled, inveterate, niveous, oral, senectuous, timeless, white with age
Definitionadj. showing characteristics of age
Last update: December 12, 2016
Do not insult my grandfather by saying he is hoary! [Please select]
High up in Wharfedale the scars and screes support a range of plants including the nationally scarce alpine cinquefoil and hoary whitlowgrass. [adjective]
Here we found meadow and bloody cranesbill, creeping jenny and rock stonecrop, as well as hoary plantain in flower. [adjective]
She is a hoary pandemonium of ills, enlarged glands, mumps, quinsy, bunions, hayfever, bedsores, ringworm, floating kidney, Derbyshire neck, warts, bilious attacks, gallstones, cold feet, varicose veins. [adjective]
On the one hand was a sacred grave, on the other hoary locks. [adjective]
The voice of dark age, of unlove, earth's fatigue made grave approach and painful, come from afar, from hoary mountains, called on good men and true. [adjective]
Oliver himself accompanied her next eveninga tall, massive-featured, middle-aged, and grey-headed man, at whose side his lovely daughter looked like a bright flower near a hoary turret. [adjective]
They are hoary with antiquity. [Please select]
From one point of view they shadow out the great epic of the destinies of the human race; again, the universal solar myth claims a share in them; hoary traditions were brought into ex post facto connexion with them; or they served to commemorate simple meteorological and astronomical facts. [Please select]
"They will not waste time nor labour upon them," said Ivor, shaking his hoary head. [Please select]
The fatal blow on the hoary skull was in their eyes an act of filial piety. [Please select]
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