He writes: "In my tender yeares, and barneage in Sanct-Androis at the Schooles, having, on the one parte, contracted a loving familiaritie with a certaine Gentleman, &c. a Papist; And on the other part, being attentive to the sermons of that worthie man of God, Maister Christopher Goodman, teaching upon the Apocalyps, I was so mooved in admiration, against the blindnes of Papists, that could not most evidently see their seven hilled citie Rome, painted out there so lively by Saint John, as the mother of all spiritual whoredome, that not onely bursted I out in continual reasoning against my said familiar, but also from thenceforth, I determined with my selfe (by the assistance of Gods spirit) to employ my studie and diligence to search out the remanent mysteries of that holy Book: as to this houre (praised be the Lorde) I have bin doing at al such times as conveniently I might have occasion." [Please select]
Years, long years, were there in the round-hilled, many-furrowed gray old earth. [Please select]
Thence they soon removed to a little three-hilled peninsula where they founded the town of Boston. [Please select]
And the seven-hilled city seeking, Fight, conquer, till we're free.' [Please select]
But I am not exactly _here_--I have a much, safer place,"--he swept the blue-hilled horizon with his hand." [Please select]
From Salem he moved to Charlestown, and later in the year (1630) to a little three-hilled peninsula, which the English called Tri-mountain or Tremont. [Please select]
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