It is a Latin poem in ten books of hexameters, and contains a curious admixture of Biblical history. [Please select]
"You talk in hexameters, Tayoga, but I think your rhapsody is justified." [Please select]
War tempts him to prolixity, to classical allusion, even to hexameters of astonishingly loose joints. [Please select]
"] This exquisite poem has been translated into English hexameters with great fidelity by Miss Ellen Frothingham." [Please select]
The Latin hexameters, "Ad patrem," written at Horton, are inspired by a feeling far beyond commonplace filial piety, and a warmth which is rare indeed in neo-Latin versification. [Please select]
I read the Latin first, and then my own version in English hexameters, that I had prepared for a recitation at school. [Please select]
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