Sentence example with the word 'heterogeneously'


Last update: August 13, 2015


The general election resulted o in a majority of forty for Home Rule, heterogeneously composed of Liberals, Labour members and Irish.   [Please select]


Children and dogs crouched heterogeneously against the sloping tent walls.   [Please select]


Men and stones slithered heterogeneously down the sliding gravel into the water.   [Please select]


Lorrimer took the seat of honour, and two or three of the smaller children were packed in heterogeneously, while Nan and Kitty and Miss Macalister bundled themselves into the pony-cart.   [Please select]


The first night out there was not enough snow to make a wind-break of the drifts; so the sleighs were piled on edge to windward, dogs and men lying heterogeneously in their shelter.   [Please select]

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heterogeneous - heterogeneously - heterogenous