For Herder's correspondence, see Aus Herders Nachlass (3 vols., 1856-1857), Herders Reise nach Italien (1859), Von and an Herder: Ungedruckte Briefe (3 vols., 1861-1862) - all three works edited by H. [Please select]
The herders who manage these large bodies of cattle are a distinctive and peculiar class. [Please select]
They were principally herders, their chief stock being the famous small black cattle of the Highlands. [Please select]
It includes guides, ranchmen, sheep-herders, cowboys, miners, lumbermen and floaters generally. [Please select]
"Ain't we done away with enough of them poor greaser herders--for nothin'."' [Please select]
My herders will begin drivin' south in about two weeks.' [Please select]
An' there was them two sheep-herders who did swear they seen him.' [Please select]
Reckon you wouldn't take a job bossin' my sheep-herders.' [Please select]
As we were to arrive at the sheep-herders' camps on the fourth day from the ranch, no elaborate preparations were necessary; we took but a single animal for the pack, besides the horses we rode. [Please select]
From infancy he, like all the herders, had been constantly upon the lookout for bear sign; it was his one keenest intellectual accomplishment and diversion. [Please select]
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