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Definitionn. (classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength
Last update: September 4, 2015
Herodotus (himself a notable traveller in the 5th century B.C.) relates that the Egyptian king Necho of the XXVIth Dynasty (c. 600 B.C.) built a fleet on the Red Sea, and confided it to Phoenician sailors with the orders to sail southward and return to Egypt by the Pillars of Hercules and the Mediterranean sea. [Please select]
Gueulemer was a Hercules of no defined position. [Please select]
Hercules (her [Please select]
"You have a try, Hercules," said he, turning to Pierre. [Please select]
The officer roared like Hercules caught in the shirt of Nessus. [Please select]
Pompey, colonnades of, 154; temple of Hercules, 80. [Please select]
But by Hercules, child, how pale you are. [Please select]
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