Sentence example with the word 'hemoglobin'


Rh-negative, blood, blood picture, chlorophyll, erythrocyte, hematics, humor, lifeblood, opsonin, plasma, serum globulin

Definition n. a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteristic color

Last update: October 23, 2015


The MCV's were normal, indicating no vitamin deficiency, and the MCHC showed full hemoglobin content in the red cells, indicating no lack of iron.   [noun]


11, however, differed in that she had a much higher hemoglobin level, higher blood glucose and white cell count, and higher levels of LDH, CPK, and SGOT, indicating that she was significantly stressed.   [Please select]


The corpuscles themselves are not found in the urine; it is the red coloring matter, or hemoglobin, which leaves them when they break up and pass into the urine.   [Please select]


Sealander (1961) investigated hematological values in deer mice infected with botflies, and found that infected mice had significantly lower concentrations of hemoglobin than non-infected mice.   [Please select]

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hemocyanin - hemoglobin - hemoptysis