Sentence example with the word 'hearkens'


Last update: July 1, 2015


And Thomas and he said unto (them) every one that hearkens to these words shall never taste of death."   [Please select]


'No, no,' replied the fairy Pari Banou, 'whatever advice the magician can give him (for I see that he hearkens to her), he shall find no fault with you or me.'   [Please select]


_" Boma hearkens and stops short, and if the "gun" is shown in front of his cage he flies in terror to the top of his second balcony, and cowers in a corner."   [Please select]


Suddenly he lifted his head and stood as one that hearkens to distant sounds, and crossing stealthily to the window, climbed out.   [Please select]


Then Achilles answered, "I will abide by thy command for all my wrath, for the man who hearkens to the immortal gods is also heard of them."   [Please select]


And, lying down at night for a last sleeping, Say in that ear Which hearkens ever: "Lord, within Thy keeping How should I fear."   [Please select]

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hearkening - hearkens - hears