Sentence example with the word 'hallucinatory'


beguiling, consciousness-expanding, deceptive, delusory, fallacious, fishy, hallucinative, illusive, mind-blowing, misleading, questionable, tricksy

Definition adj. characterized by or characteristic of hallucination

Last update: September 16, 2015


It has not been found possible to determine, before experiment, whether any given man or woman will prove capable of the hallucinatory experiences.   [Please select]


The first wish must have been an hallucinatory occupation of the memory for gratification.   [Please select]


No evidence of delusional or hallucinatory trends could be obtained.   [Please select]


It fits admirably with the phenomena of dreams and hallucinatory images, and it is recommended by the way in which it accords with mental development.   [Please select]

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hallucinations - hallucinatory - hallucinosis