Sentence example with the word 'habiliments'


Last update: July 28, 2015


Both obey the general injunctions of the Sikh gurus, but the Sahijdhari Sikhs have not accepted the pahul or baptism of Guru Govind Singh, and do not wear the distinguishing habiliments of the Kesadhari, who are the baptized Sikhs, also called Singhs or lions.   [Please select]


She disengaged herself and let her little electric torch wander over my rough habiliments.   [Please select]


And insurrection could clothe itself in the same romantic habiliments as diplomacy.   [Please select]


Gilbert, now, looked as much like a man in them as in his own proper habiliments.   [Please select]


Two familiar devices were applied to her habiliments and her conversations.   [Please select]


Candace was shy and diffident, despite her proper habiliments.   [Please select]


"You manage to dress well," said Gilbert, with an amused look at Micky's habiliments.   [Please select]


Custer maintained a stony silence, yet he would have given anything could he have accepted those pleasant fictions his father was seeking to establish in the very habiliments of truth.   [Please select]


But, to change the venue to the Bulgar and the Basque, have you made up your mind whether you like or dislike women in male habiliments.   [Please select]

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habiliment - habiliments - habilitate