When the steaks were grilled and the corn and green beans boiled, the table was leaden with food, enough for a small army. [Please select]
Smell of grilled beefsteaks to the starving. [Please select]
And you needn't eat grilled turkey unless you like. [Please select]
Those grilled sweet potatoes again, if you please, Bates. [Please select]
"I'll have you grilled for this one day," said I.' [Please select]
You are much too pretty, as well as too good, to be grilled alive in Calcutta. [Please select]
Probably you will be grilled, thank goodness; but who will give me back Enrico and Alphonso. [Please select]
Pterodactyls were something like crocodiles and something like birds--I believe they were very good grilled. [Please select]
Where his feathers have fallen appears the naked india-rubber leg, lurid as a grilled cutlet. [Please select]
As for the grilled potatoes, even Hannah herself couldn't have improved upon them. [Please select]
When placed on burning charcoal, this double-bellied gourd turns black, becomes covered with shiny warts that look like jet beads, emits a smell like that of grilled meat and leaves a residue of red clay. [Please select]
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