Sentence example with the word 'greenery'


Definition n. green foliage

Last update: July 15, 2015


It's nice to see the greenery of fields in spring.   [Please select]


In places the sands are fringed by long lines of Casuarina trees; in others, and more especially in the neighbourhood of some of the river mouths, there are deep banks of black mud covered with mangroves; in others the coast presents to the sea bold headlands, cliffs, mostly of a reddish hue, sparsely clad with greenery, or rolling hills covered by a growth of rank grass.   [Please select]


The world wags wearily through an unending display of monotonous greenery.   [Please select]


Inside there were men who were shut away from all that greenery around them.   [Please select]


The path she had taken led through a narrow lane, overhung with blossoms and greenery.   [Please select]


The wayside greenery, robing itself in tiny buds, was already heralding their arrival.   [Please select]


From the greenery of the jungle that rimmed the clearing, however, their frightened faces could be seen peering, like some strange sort of fruit among the tropical growth.   [Please select]


Occasionally a patch of blue could be sighted through the tree-tops, but for the most part the hunters progressed along the floor of the forest under a regular roof of greenery.   [Please select]

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greeneries - greenery - greenest