"You mean that he is greedier than I," retorted Papillon. [Please select]
Irvine was even greedier than old Isaac for every particular I could impart respecting him. [Please select]
And the richer the monasteries became, the greedier their rulers were. [Please select]
"You'll be wiser and greedier before the year is out, my dear," he replied.' [Please select]
She admired the systematic way in which the food was measured and distributed so that each individual member of the flock received its due share, and was not robbed by a greedier and stronger neighbor. [Please select]
So it is that today there is no more cunning thief, no greedier rascal, and no one with a meaner disposition in all the Great Woods of the Far North than Glutton the Wolverine. [Please select]
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