The plumage of this little grebe varies according to the time of year. [Please select]
This is the first record of the Eared Grebe in Coahuila. [Please select]
Regular transient throughout state; more common than Horned Grebe. [Please select]
Wood-duck, ruddy duck, black mallard, grebe or hell-diver, tern and woodcock. [Please select]
Certainly in November, 1875, this was the case, and the Red-necked Grebe was commoner than either the Great-crested or the Sclavonian Grebe, especially about the Guernsey coast between St. [Please select]
"--The Great-crested Grebe is a regular autumn and winter visitant to the Channel Islands, but not, I think, in quite such numbers as at Teignmouth and Exmouth and along the south coast of Devon." [Please select]
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