A spring scale of 500 gram capacity, used in the field, gave weights accurately within three grams. [Please select]
Unless otherwise noted, measurements are expressed in millimeters and weights are expressed in grams. [Please select]
This male was caught as a juvenile (75 grams) on October 8, 1950. [Please select]
One female trapped on February 19, 1950, weighed only 140 grams and was still imperforate. [Please select]
_Growth_ At birth woodrats weigh approximately 10 grams or a little more. [Please select]
At an age of three months they averaged approximately 120 grams. [Please select]
] Young weighing less than 100 grams are rarely caught in live-traps. [Please select]
To calculate the amount of moisture contained in a fat or oil 5 to 10 grams are weighed into a flat bottom dish, together with a known amount of clean, dry sand, if it is so desired. [Please select]
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