Sentence example with the word 'grafted'


Last update: October 1, 2015


In the first place, the so-called internal causes of disease is probably a mere phrase covering our ignorance of the factors at work, and although a certain convenience attaches to the distinction between those cases where tender breeds of plants apparently exhibit internal predisposition to suffer more readily than others from parasites, low temperatures, excessive growth, & is the case with some grafted plants, cultivated hybrids, &c.the mystery involved in the phrase internal causes only exists until we find what action of the living or nonliving environment of the essential mechanism of the plant has upset its equilibrium.   [Please select]


At Taymouth Castle there is a plant which was formerly grafted by Mr.   [Please select]


Fruit-trees are grafted on different stocks, and grown in various soils.   [Please select]


"Yes, but a grafted tree is not really one tree."   [Please select]


Lawyer and soldier grafted on Piers Ploughman, and the seams not well hidden.   [Please select]


Varieties of the Hydra have also been grafted on other varieties, and have retained their character.   [Please select]


As this white moss-rose had been grafted on the Provence rose, Prof.   [Please select]


The slight changes which some fruit-trees undergo from being grafted and regrafted on various stocks (11/88.)   [Please select]


In many cases the apparent tumor is a blighted ovum which has failed to develop, but has grafted itself on its more fortunate twin and from it has drawn its nourishment.   [Please select]


Fowler's reasoning processes, which were by nature singularly lucid and exact, showed at times a remarkable subtlety--as if some extraneous hybrid faculty had been grafted on the simple parent stock of her mind.   [Please select]

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graft - grafted - grafter