The owner of an ox which gored a man on the street was only responsible for damages if the ox was known by him to be vicious, even if it caused death. [Please select]
"Yes, sir" [says I], "you tossed and gored several persons." [Please select]
"But your `lunks' are not `gored,'" said Victor.' [Please select]
One man was gored through and through by a maddened bull. [Please select]
He gored her most savagely, about twenty times, and killed her. [Please select]
(You'll always find an ox is gored When sheep are to be sheared.') [Please select]
Jenness mentions (1922: 150) a case of an Eskimo being fatally gored by a Caribou on Victoria Island. [Please select]
When she is gored or in great danger she bawls also, but that is different. [Please select]
If a horse or mule refused, he was likely to be gored to death. [Please select]
Byam's "Central America" affords another illustration: "A bull had gored so many cattle that he was lassoed, and his horns blunted at the tips to prevent further mischief." [Please select]
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