Sentence example with the word 'gleaning'


accumulation, bringing together, collection, earnings, flowers, gettings, hoard, miscellanea, paper profits, pickings, receipts, wealth

Last update: June 25, 2015


Very important for the study of Midrashic literature are the Yalgut (gleaning) Shim`oni, on the whole Bible, the Yalqut Mekhiri, on the Prophets, Psalms, Proverbs and Job, and the Midrash ha-gadhol, 2 all of which are of uncertain but late date and preserve earlier material.   [Please select]


The women followed them slowly, gleaning as they went.   [Please select]


There were reputed, however, to be other and easier means of gleaning knowledge from them.   [Please select]


Let us be content if we succeed in gleaning a few grains of truth.   [Please select]


In the fragrance of the blossom of the limes the bees are gleaning a luscious harvest.   [Please select]


I was to have another chance, however, of gleaning hints from Aunt Theresa.   [Please select]


Boaz saw Ruth gleaning, and asked one of his servants who she was.   [Please select]

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gleaners - gleaning - gleanings