Sentence example with the word 'ghastliest'


Last update: August 17, 2015


At last and ghastliest, a dress rehearsal, which began at seven o'clock one night and lasted till four the next morning.'   [Please select]


Here was I condemned to some rotten buffoonery in inglorious safety, while the salt of the earth like Blaikie was paying the ghastliest price.   [Please select]


I am sending to Paris for a powder to burn in a corner of the room, which will throw the ghastliest pallor upon your countenance.   [Please select]


He held them together and worked them and wheeled them and coached and cheered and compelled them through the hell-tumult of the ghastliest thing there is beneath the dome of heaven--house-to-house fighting in an Eastern city.   [Please select]

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ghastlier - ghastliest - ghastliness