For example, a treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia is based on an understanding that this cancer occurs when two particular genes fuse, go haywire (not the actual medical term), and order up a massive amount of white blood cells to be made. [Please select]
=A Start in Life=: A STORY OF THE GENESEE COUNTRY. [Please select]
00= * * * * * [Illustration: A START IN LIFE] _A Start in Life_: A STORY OF THE GENESEE COUNTRY. [Please select]
We learn from the Genesee Farmer, dated December 6, 1834, that Mr. [Please select]
"_To the Editor of the Genesee Farmer:_ "I wrote you last May that Mr. [Please select]
= =A Start in Life:= A STORY OF THE GENESEE COUNTRY. [Please select]
The army, as the autumn advanced, marched into the Genesee Valley, destroying everything. [Please select]
But the water-power of the Genesee Falls proved a stronger drawing power than the Lake Front. [Please select]
"This is to certify that I have for three seasons used one of Hussey's Reaping Machines, which I purchased at the Genesee Seed Store, and that it gives perfect satisfaction." [Please select]
The Genesee road, beginning at Albany, ran almost due west to the present site of Buffalo on Lake Erie, through a level country. [Please select]
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