Sentence example with the word 'generalizes'


Last update: October 20, 2015


This intellectual discovery requires sensation and retention of sensation; so that sense (ea-Ono-Ls) receives impressions, imagination (0avravLa) retains them as images, intellect (Van) generalizes the universal, and, when it is intelligence of essence, is always true.   [Please select]


From such massive examples one easily generalizes Hegel's vision.   [Please select]


Knowing nothing, he generalizes in the highest degree; he simplifies, in his inability to perceive the complex.   [Please select]


_Read across_: =INVENTORS= =ARTISTS= =HEWERS= Inventors Organizers Labourers Imagination Applied Imagination Tool or Mechanism Fecundity Control Activity Seer Poet Actor { The Man who Sees the } The Man who Generalizes {General in the Particular} Action The Deeper Permanent {The Immediate Significance} Hewing Significance { or Meaning } Light Applied Light or Heat Applied Heat or Motion Stevenson and Wall James J.   [Please select]

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generalizers - generalizes - generalizing