In the living Cephalodiscus a zooid can crawl by means of its proboscis over the gelatinous processes of the outer side of the coenoecium, a position which it can assume owing to the very great extensibility of the stalk, the proximal suctorial end of which remains attached to the inner surface of some part of the coenoecium (Andersson, 1907). [Please select]
They sometimes inclose elliptical cavities filled with slimy, gelatinous masses. [Please select]
I then felt the rounded gelatinous mass of eggs on the bottom of the nest. [Please select]
The zooecia arise directly from one another in a fleshy or gelatinous mass. [Please select]
Zooecia cylindrical, not embedded in a gelatinous investment (Plumatellinæ). [Please select]
_Zooecia_ tubular, not confined in a gelatinous synoecium; the ectocyst usually horny. [Please select]
It was a whitish mass, slightly gelatinous and sweet, like marrow, and very palatable. [Please select]
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